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Diploma Thesis

The Role of the IL21-AS1 Gene in the Occurrence of Comorbidity in Patients with Crohn’s Disease in Combination with Other Autoimmune Diseases. Research description: The goal of this research project was to investigate the role of the IL21-AS1 gene in the occurrence of comorbidity in autoimmune diseases. The research tools and databases used were the following: PubMed, GWAS Catalog, GTExPortal, Uniprot, BioGRID, and STRING. During this project, I conducted research with biomedical databases and further developed my scientific writing skills.

Duration: One Year, Supervisor: Prof. George Patrinos, Institution: Department of Pharmacy, University of Patras.

Research Project

Attitudes and Awareness Toward Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine Adoption Among Health Sciences Trainees. Research description: The increasing incorporation of genomics in clinical practice highlights the need to improve genomics knowledge and familiarity among future healthcare providers. Consequently, it is important to consider the factors that shape or determine the transition of new personalized medicine discoveries to clinical practice. This study aimed to investigate and compare awareness and attitudes on pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine adoption among undergraduate students from the school of health sciences and other students. I conducted data analysis that contributed to the publication of this academic paper using the following tools: GraphPad Prism, IBM SPSS, and MS Office.

Duration: One Year, Supervisor: Prof. George Patrinos, Institution: Department of Pharmacy, University of Patras.

Bibliographical Research Project

Nutrigenomics: An emerging scientific discipline. Research description: Due to the development of two new disciplines, nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics, expectations have been raised for their new beneficial applications. We investigated whether nutrigenomic data is sufficient to justify the conduct of nutrigenomic tests. I conducted bibliographical research using biomedical databases on the topic of Nutrigenomics.

Duration: Four Months, Supervisor: Prof. George Patrinos, Institution: Department of Pharmacy, University of Patras.

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